Saturday, November 8, 2008


The normally silver tongued Obama came out of the gates with a stumble. Though not major, the misstep was embarrassing due to its poor taste. Here are some good rules to follow if you intend to be a bipartisan statesman:

1. Never make a joke at the expense of someone's spouse.
2. Make fun of seances.
3. Don't make fun of Nancy Reagan if you want to make conservative friends. You may as well say you hate the Gipper.
4. Don't ignore Fox News, unless it is someone from Fox and Friends.
5. If you are the President-Elect, be sure to point out there is only one President.
6. If you must answer questions about the First Dog (cringe), make sure you mock the questions with faux seriousness and excessive deliberation.
7. Don't answer serious questions with less seriousness and deliberation than you would use to answer questions about the First Dog (cringe).

Obviously not a complete list, but it is a start. The scorecard: 3 good moves, 3 bad, 1 arguable (maybe it is good to ignore Fox).

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